ATTENTION: Parents of Teens and Tweens...
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Our calendars fill up fast. Be sure to reserve your spot now so your teen gets the success coaching they need. 
Read This Before Going ANY Further
Read This Before Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Dr. RJ
Austin, TX
What Issues Are You Noticing In Your Child Lately?

Anxiety, Stress, Low Motivation, Lack of Confidence, Poor Self Control, Body Image Issues, Poor Time Management, Poor Decision Making, Academic Problems, Parent-Teen Conflict, Failure to Excel in Sports, and More…

These are real issues that teenagers face.

Although sometimes it seems like they are happy, you as a parent know that something is wrong deep down.

You are worried about your child. You find yourself staying up late thinking about what will happen if that issue is not “fixed.”

You ask your friends about it. And what are their responses? They just tell you about how difficult their own teen has been lately.

So you do not feel heard.

You know that your teenager has so much potential.

Your teen is smart, funny, and hard working, but there is that one issue holding them back.

That one issue is preventing them from being the happiest kid in the world, which is what you want for your child.

You Are Right to be Concerned

The reason there are so many unhappy and unfulfilled adults in the world today is because certain issues were never addressed in their teen years.

Just look around. You see it everyday. You know many of the adults that struggle with some of these issues.

Unhappiness, Broken Relationships, Struggling Financially, Stress
Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Lack of Self-Control, Poor Health, Violence, Fearful, Faithless...

This list can go on forever.

And you wonder why teenagers are scared of “Adulting.”

The teen years are critical because this is when they build their foundations for adulthood, If any of their issues are not cured, then your teen will struggle with the same issues as they get older.

Therefore PLEASE resist the urge to just put this off.

Resist the desire to believe that it will magically fix itself with maturity.

The time is NOW to help your teenager experience life without being held back.

Dr. RJ

Many Parents Wonder What Is...
My Secret To Success

The reason why I have had so much success “curing” teenager’s issues is because of my ability to help them manage their thoughts.

I do not prescribe a magical pill. I do not have them lie down on a couch and tell me about their problems. I do not berate the parents, and tell them that it is their fault.

I simply direct your teenager’s focus to the one thing that produces growth, excitement, and motivation, and that is GOALS.

When your teen shifts their focus from problems of the past, to possibilities of the future, their mood changes, their attitude changes, their emotions change.

I am successful with teens because I know how to shift their focus.

Now, I know what you are thinking...“My teen is smart and successful AND my teen has GOALS, BUT my teen still has those problems, Oops I meant obstacles.”

First, great job on completing your assignment.

Secondly, my guess is that your teenager does not have actual GOALS.

After working with over 1,000 teenagers through orthodontics and life coaching, I can honestly say that teenagers rarely have real GOALS.

What teenagers have are WANTS, DESIRES, HOPES, DREAMS, But not GOALS.

So my secret to success with teenagers is my ability to shift their focus.

The way that I shift their focus is to turn those wants, desires, hopes and dreams into actual GOALS.

Goals have the following three components:


An intention is a direction you want to go.

This could be related to academics, sports, extra curricular, relationships, or any thing else that is important to you or your teen. 

It is the ability to see a destination. To have a finish line in mind.

When you set an intention, you are giving instructions to your mind to focus all energy towards a particular destination.


Once you have set your intention and you know where you know what you want to achieve), then you need a plan to get there.

With the road trip analogy, this is the time to map out which highways you will to take.

The action plan is your step by step instructions to get to your destination.

If your want, desire, hope, and dream does not have daily and weekly planned actions in place, then it is not a GOAL.


This is simply how long will it take to get your want, experience your desire, turn your hope into a reality, or live your dream.

How long will it take?

Using the road trip analogy, your time frame would be how long will it take for you to reach your destination.

I bet if you ask your child how long will it take for them to accomplish their “goal,” they would not be able to give you an accurate time frame.


An intention is a direction you want to go. 

This could be related to academics, sports, extra curricular, relationships, or any thing else that is important to you or your teen.

It is the ability to see a destination. To have a finish line in mind.

When you set an intention, you are giving instructions to your mind to focus all energy towards a particular destination.


Once you have set your intention and you know where you know what you want to achieve), then you need a plan to get there.

With the road trip analogy, this is the time to map out which highways you will to take. 

The action plan is your step by step instructions to get to your destination.

If your want, desire, hope, and dream does not have daily and weekly planned actions in place, then it is not a GOAL.


This is simply how long will it take to get your want, experience your desire, turn your hope into a reality, or live your dream.

How long will it take?

Using the road trip analogy, your time frame would be how long will it take for you to reach your destination.

I bet if you ask your child how long will it take for them to accomplish their “goal,” they would not be able to give you an accurate time frame.


Did you just see what happened?

As I was explaining what goals are, you immediately started to think about the possibilities for yourself.

You found this website because you were worried and possibly stressed, but for a moment the worry and stress disappeared.

You experienced excitement knowing that there are some goals that you yourself want to pursue.

This is exactly what will happen with your teen during our first session.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Teens Have Said About Their Experience!
“The tips and techniques that Dr. RJ taught me has helped me tremendously! Before high school, I did not care much about my grades but now that I am making A’s, I really like school. Dr. RJ has helped me with my organization and he showed me how to be more efficient with my time.”
Sahir, 15-year-old
“Dr. RJ helped me when life was most stressful. Before my SAT I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I honestly just felt stuck. I looked forward to my coaching sessions with Dr. RJ because he always helped me to see things in a whole new way. We worked through all of my issues (he calls them obstacles) and he gave me tools to use when I start to feel overwhelmed and anxious. By the way, I scored a 1510 on my SAT and I honestly believe that Dr. RJ had a lot to do with that.”
Libby, 18-year-old
“At first I did not understand why my mom hired Dr. RJ. It wasn’t until I had my first coaching session that I realized that having a life coach is so important. Dr. RJ noticed that fear was limiting my growth. I did not participate in any extracurricular activities. I did not try when it came to homework and tests. I didn’t even try to make any new friends. After he worked with me to overcome my fear, things started to improve in my life. Now, I play hockey, I have a fun friend group, and I make all As!”
Brody, 14-year-old
Meet Dr. RJ,
Parent and Teen Life Coach

Before I tell you why I became a life coach for teenagers, I need to first tell you why I became an orthodontist.

You heard me right. I am an orthodontist 😁

When I was in high school, my guidance counselor asked me to pick a career. 

“What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” she asked.

I replied with the most common phrase used by all teenagers, “I don’t know.”

So she asked me a different question. 

“If you could make a difference in the world, what difference would you make.”

I thought about that question for a while. I knew she would not allow me to use that common phrase again.

I replied, “I want people to be happy. I would spread happiness.”

“Great! You have two options. You can be a comedian or you can be an orthodontist.” (Life coaching wasn’t a career back then.)

My decision was easy at that point. I was not funny so I chose to be an orthodontist.

I thought to myself, “Smiles are the logo for happiness so why not be the guy who creates them.”

I never strayed from that path and in May of 2012, it was official. I was an orthodontist.

I enjoy creating smiles!

And I felt that I was following my life’s mission to spread happiness until May of 2016, something happened!

If you have never had braces then you probably do not know the celebration that occurs when braces come off. 

It is a happy occasion. The patient is happy and sometimes crying tears of joy.

The parents are happy, my team is happy, and I am happy.

This was the image that was in my mind that day in the counselor’s office when I decided that I was going to be an orthodontist, but something happened. A few days later, I received a phone call from that parent telling me that her daughter was unhappy.

She knew I mentored teenagers so she asked if I could help.

“I would be happy to talk with her but it sounds like she needs a therapist.”
I had only mentored teenagers at that time. I wasn’t trained to handle a teenager who was struggling with depression.

But that wasn’t all, the next week the same thing happened again. This time with a different parent, and again I referred them to a therapist.

But that wasn’t it because the same thing happened a third time.

At that moment, I knew orthodontics, alone, was not going to be enough to fulfill my life’s purpose of spreading happiness among teenagers.

You see, if something happens once, then it is random.

If something happens twice, then it is a coincidence.

If something happens three times, then I need to pay attention.

So the moment after I spoke with the third parent, I immediately started to research how I could help these teenagers.

I was prepared to pursue a degree in therapy until all three parents told me that therapy was not helping their child.

So I went back to the drawing board.

And that is when I discovered life coaching.

Today, I am happy to continue to spread happiness by creating smiles on the outside (as an orthodontist) and on the inside (as a teen life coach).

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Parents Have Said About Our Results!
All I can say is “Wow!” I did not expect to see such a massive transformation in my son.  As a mother, I always saw my son's potential but he never could see it. He always spoke negatively about himself. He is a straight A student but in the past when he did not score an A on a test, he would walk around and repeat “I am stupid.”

Before Dr. RJ’s program, he did not believe in himself. I always encouraged him to try new things but he was too afraid to try. He used to say, “Why try. I’m not going to be good at it.”

After four weeks in Dr. RJ’s program, I noticed my son was starting to become more confident. I suggested that he try out for the freshman basketball team. He said “yes” right away. Since, he has agreed to almost all of my suggestions.

We completed Dr. RJ’s program months ago and one of the biggest lasting changes I notice in him is his self talk. We no longer hear him speak negatively about himself. It is apparent that he believes he is good enough.

I found the accountability coaching to be very helpful. The coaches helped reinforce Dr. RJ’s training materials. My son mentioned he liked meeting the different coaches because each had their own style of coaching.

I can’t thank Dr. RJ enough!

I have referred several of my friends because this program is amazing!!!
-Justine M. (Parent)
I highly recommend Dr. RJ’s coaching program. I was new to the concept of life coaching. My wife was a subscriber of Dr. RJ’s podcast and after two episodes, she told me that we really needed this for our son. 

My initial response was, “Why?” I figured our son was a typical teenager, not motivated about anything other than friends and video games. I just accepted this to be the normal teenage behavior.

Today, I am a believer in life coaching because the changes in our son were astonishing! 

During the program, I noticed him doing homework and submitting his assignments in a timely manner. He maintained his chores without us having to remind him. The most impressive change was hearing him talk about his future. Before this program, my wife and I did not have any idea what career he wanted to pursue.

Dr. RJ’s format (video modules, accountability coaching, and live classes) is what I believed transformed my son. He learned techniques from the videos. Those techniques were reinforced in the accountability sessions. I wish schools used this same format. 

Our son also really enjoyed Dr. RJ’s classes. He did not miss one class because none of the information was redundant. Dr. RJ taught on new subjects every week.

I am very impressed with this program. We will be signing up my daughter when she turns 10.

Thank you Dr. RJ.
-Stan L. (Parent)
I am writing this review because Dr. RJ’s program was life changing for my daughter.

 Before Dr. RJ’s program, she struggled with anxiety. We have seen three different therapists over the past two years. With the first therapist, we noticed a small improvement at the beginning, but after a month or so there was none. Our insurance changed so we had to switch therapists. She was with the second one for about six months. There was zero progress. After the third failure, I gave up. I stopped forcing her to go. It caused a lot of arguments and I was exhausted.

A friend of mine told me about Dr. RJ, and after listening to his podcast, I felt hopeful. I signed up for his program after only ten minutes of meeting with his life coach coordinator. The biggest challenge was getting my daughter to participate.

Dr. RJ graciously extended our time in the program because it took me two weeks to get my daughter to start watching the video modules. Dr. RJ’s parent coach was very helpful. She helped me communicate with my daughter in a way that allowed her to feel heard.

After four weeks in the program, we noticed that her anxiety drastically decreased. The strategies that Dr. RJ taught in his class made a big difference with her social anxiety. She also felt more confident with volleyball.

By the end of the program, my daughter was confident and she experienced less anxiety. To this day, I am happy to report that she hasn’t experienced a panic attack since before starting the program.

Do not waste your time with therapy. If you are not seeing any changes within the first few weeks, then try Dr. RJ’s program.
-Krystal S. (Parent)
I enrolled my daughter in Dr. RJ’s confidence program. It was such an amazing experience! I understand why Dr. RJ’s program has a high success rate.

At the beginning, we filled out an application that allowed us to share with Dr. RJ exactly what changes we want to see.

My desire was for my daughter to be self-motivated about school. It was very frustrating to have to micro manage her life. I had to wake her up. I had to tell her which assignments to turn in. I had to remind her one hundred times a day to do her homework. When she forgot her cheerleading bag, I had to bring it to her. This was my life before Dr. RJ’s program.

I expected their to be improvements but what occurred over six weeks was astonishing. Not only did she become extremely motivated she also became more confident. She started to take pride in her grades. She got out of bed on time and completed all of her assignments without me having to remind her. She even emailed her teachers about her past poor performance and asked if there was anything she can do to improve her grades. Can you believe that some of her teachers allowed her to make up assignments and retake tests?

I am so happy to share this transformation with anyone because Dr. RJ’s program changed my daughters life. If your child has lost motivation due to social distancing and online learning then definitely enroll them in Dr. RJ’s program. 

I wholeheartedly recommend this program.
-Abigail W. (Parent)
How Can I Help Your Teen?
My success with coaching, I believe, comes from my gift of connecting with teenagers and my ability to shift their focus.

When I mention the phrase “shift their focus,” I am not talking ignoring issues that they may have. Shifting focus is all about managing thoughts which is the secret to happiness. My ability to help teens manage their thoughts is the reason I can help any teen with any issue.

No matter what issue your teen is currently facing, my three step process is guaranteed to help them overcome their obstacles (remember those issues are not problems, they are obstacles) and pursue their goals.


Like any type of physical training that your teen must do to prepare themselves for a competition, your teenager must do the same for the mind when pursuing a goal.
During this phase, we will address Doubt, Fear, Limiting beliefs, Negative self talk.

Teenagers are relieved to hear that they are not alone. Everyone has these thoughts (therefore everyone needs to prepare their mind before pursuing a goal).

So, there is no need for a pity party, these thoughts are just obstacles that stand in the way of their goals.

So I treat them as such. We list and identify them. Then we use tools to get rid of them.


This is the fun part.
During this phase, we brainstorm, research, and create our action plan.

Often times, we address decision making (Teenagers, as you know, can be indecisive).

Finally, we set our intentions, agree on a time frame, and develop a daily, weekly, and sometimes monthly action plan.


During this phase, life coaching is an absolute necessity!
Anytime a teenager pursues a big goal, their likelihood of success is directly correlated to their level of belief.

As a life coach, my job is to motivate and encourage your teenager as they take action.

We always look for collaborations. As with any big goal, networking can help you achieve it much faster.

One of the biggest factors that will decide success versus failure is accountability. 

When a teenager is held accountable for their daily, weekly, and monthly action plans, they are more likely to follow through.



  •  Limiting Beliefs
  • ​Negative Self Talk 
  • ​Doubt
  • ​Fears



  •  Researching
  • ​Goal Setting
  • ​Brain Storming
  • ​Decision Making 



  •  Accountability
  • ​Motivation
  • ​Collaboration
  • ​Celebration



  •  Limiting Beliefs
  • ​Negative Self Talk 
  • ​Doubt
  • ​Fears




  •  Researching
  • ​Goal Setting
  • ​Brain Storming
  • ​Decision Making 




  •  Accountability
  • ​Motivation
  • ​Collaboration
  • ​Celebration


Finally, celebration along the way is a tool I use often to keep the momentum.

The teens years are the most critical! Imagine the possibilities for your teenager if they can learn how to manage their thoughts.

I can help your teen overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, thus unlocking their GREATEST POTENTIAL!

A representative will reach out to learn more, so you can decide wich solution is right for you and your child!
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